
fet field effect technology

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fet field effect technology为短语/超纲词汇
1. Even this had no effect.

2. Even his opponents were compelled to admit that he was a man of profound learning: and this not merely in his special field of economics, but also in history, philosophy, and the literature of all countries.

3. Every year, on Independence Day, our Prime Minister Nehru spoke of the benefits of science and technology.

4. But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show there is any effect upon these American sailors.

5. Behold her, single in the field,

6. But studying my textbooks late at night in the library of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), I would dream, not of India, but of America, the land of opportunity.
    但是, 当我深夜在印度技术学院的图书馆里啃着书本的时候,我脑子经常想的不是印度,而是美国这个机会之国。

7. But we must be less willing to accept superficial, theoretical announcements of right and wrong, cause and effect.

8. By going for next-generation technology now, Vietnamese telecommunications officials say they'll be able to keep pace with anyone in Asia for decades.

9. If there is any effect of noise upon mental health,

10. If it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest,
